Mindfulness Portugal, Mindful team building for groups and events

Mindful team building

Mindfulness as a practice has been gaining ground in the US and Europe.
Used as a solution in hospitals, prisons, corporations and schools.
Practitioners claim it benefits health, communication skills, individual happiness and personal compassion.

For teams, it can enhance their communication and productivity

During covid, we are providing these team buildings online with an emphasis on distance working and the emotional and organizational processes involved.

Mindfulness doesn’t come with dogma

Mindfulness originated from Buddhist practices and meditation but it is not a religion, not a strict regime or something using complicated methods. It is a set of simple exercises that relax and help concentration. The key to Mindfulness is living your life as if it really matters. Mindfulness in travel can create a much stronger sense of peace and enjoyment. The core idea of Mindfulness practice is to reconstruct thoughts by emptying your mind.

Portugal and mindfulness

Portugal could be considered one of the better locations for practicing and learning mindfulness. Life in Portugal is relaxing, the landscape magnificent and the climate warm.

How can mindfulness benefit your corporate team

To understand how mindfulness can benefit your team we need to return to the core idea of reconstructing thought. To understand “thoughts” we need to understand the processes behind thoughts. A thought in its purest sense will tell you when your hungry, when your tired, when your thirsty. They will help you analyze and prevent danger, benefit the making of proper assessments and develop strategies and solutions.

Humans use thoughts in every voluntary aspect of their being and without them we could not function either ate home or in the workplace.

mindfulness guide to accompany the workshops

Certain aspects of life can upset our thoughts to an extend were they start to work against us. Some of these aspects can be addiction, stress and anxiety, past failures or fears, pressure from piers or coworkers amongst others.

In any high paced corporative environment stress and anxiety at work can be a main factor for the failing of teams, employees and managers. The thought patterns created by stress and anxiety are seldom “true” and generally “negative”. These thoughts reduce productivity, team spirit and development in any environment but can be particularly destructive at work where people, who did not choose each other, are expected to work together towards a common goal, which is the goal of the corporation. A team is only a team when it is composed of members capable of assessing and utiliz the talents and capabilities of both themselves and the other members of the team.

A few examples of negative thought processes and how they upset natural processes

If you have dealt with addiction of any type you will understand quite fast how negative thought processes work. Each smoker, drinker, food junkie understands that the habit is bad for them and each plans their ending of the habit until they manage or give up. What happens in the brain is quite interesting a smoker will tell you how good they feel when they smoke. Each drinker cant wait for his first glass. The craving for chocolate or the next meal gives a feeling of panic followed by comfort when it is met. However each and everyone of these will quite often feels guilt and remorse after this indulgent. In some cases shame may play a part.

The conscious thought process is telling this person the truth. The substance taken is unhealthy both physically and mentally. The mind knows well what the body needs. Their is no real enjoyment in smoking, overeating or any other excess. Due to negative thought processes brought on by addictions, fear, bad past influences and association, “thought” are telling this person they need this substance, thoughts are saying come on let s do this one more time! Thoughts are being liars that work against you.

How can individual stress work against the corporation

Individual stress can fully demobilize an organization. Workers are more often ill, unable to grow their talents and move a corporation further, unable to cooperate within, what might to them, as an alien team.
When people at work are not fully balanced, the thought process can cause them to concentrate not on what its about but to get involved in blind individual ambition or they loose partial or complete interest in their jobs, their managers and their coworkers. Sometimes too much stress can create a negativity that flows through a team like a fast spreading disease that will eventually kill a corporation. Replacing a team will not solve this problem curbing the cause will.

Mindfulness by itself should not be the solution however it can be the foundation needed to built large and functional solutions.

Who is using mindfulness in the workplace? Many corporations are using mindfulness in the workplace to better processes and employee health. Some of these are Google, Facebook, Intell, Goldmann Sachs, Apple, Prentice Hall publishing, Nike, Aol, Yahoo, Deutsche bank, Proctor & Gamble.

How to integrate Mindfulness training into your event in Portugal

There are many ways to incorporate mindfulness trainings and practices into your off-site events in Portugal. As a means to short breaks during a congress or integrated into a team-building day. It can be a short first introduction to corporate Mindfulness or an extended custom made package for your group with a coach who understands your business and can create a package fitting to your problem or goals.

Why Mindfulness in Portugal

There are many ways to empty your mind and reprogram thought. Surrounded by views and cities full of history and nature full of sounds the tasks proposed can become easy to achieve in Portugal!

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