Cafe Alentejo restaurant, Evora

Cafe Alentejo restaurant, Evora

Café Alentejo

If you want to know how was a tavern in the middle of the 20th century, that was once a Royal Inn, than you can’t refuse a visit to Café-Alentejo.

Next to “Praça do Giraldo”, with an architecture that is imposed, offers the visitor, not only, one of the best cuisines in the world, but also, an extensive collection of the best wine produced in the region, in a warm and cosmopolitan atmosphere.

The philosophy of the Café Alentejo relies on tasting snacks and proof of Alentejo flavours, carefully chosen to be the best – cheeses and sausages from Alentejo, scrambled eggs with flour-sausage and the main dishes, raise the quality of local gastronomy.

The snacks are plentiful and tasty – cheese and sausages from Alentejo, scrambled eggs with flour-sausage – and the main dishes elevate the quality of the local gastronomy. It is open every day.


Reservation is necessary, for group menu’s please use the reservation / info request link or call us 00351 938328865

For questions or reservations, use the following form or call us 00351 - 918354714 / 00351 938328865


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